Java Operators

OPERATORS (In Precedence Order)

Parenthesis r used to change the precedence of these op…Smaller alphabets(a,b,c) has greater precedence than capital alphabets(A,B,C).


( ), [ ], ::(scope resolution), .(dot operator)

Unary  RàL

!,  ~(telda),+, -, ++(increment), –(decrement)

Arithmetic/binary LàR

*,   /,   %(modules),                   +,  –

Bitwise operator

&(and),  ^ (xor), ¦(pipe/or)

Relational operator

<,    >, <=,    >=  ,                                  = =, !=

Bitwise operator

<<(left shift ),       >>(right shift)

Logical operators

&&,    ||,   !

Conditional / ternary

?  : (short hand for if else )

Assignment  RàL

=,   *=,   /=,  %=,    +=,  -=,  &=,   !=,   ^=

Assignment =, comparison operator  = =, exact comparison = = =.

there s no incr & decr op in java so, we can use i =i +1 instead. but in java 1.3 we can use ++ & –.

Java 2 means java 1.2 & java 3 means java 1.3.